Think Like a Doctor Before You Need One
WEEK 1 - The Doctor

Positive Health Principle #1
Start where you are but don't stay there
Class #1
In today's class you will:
1. Build a foundation for your positive health experience
2. Explore the art of mending and discover why small fragments put together can create something larger than the sum of its parts
3. Watch a short video for inspiration and self-reflection
At the end of the class take an inspired action and download your weekly materials
REFLECT: What area of your health would you like to focuse on?

“You can't solve a problem from the same state of consciousness that has created it.”
Albert Einstein

health is
where Dreams Begin
Dream Big!
“There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets through.”
Leonard Cohen.
We begin this positive health journey by focusing on a relationship we have with ourselves. Are you able to be alone, to count on yourself, to inspire and trust yourself? How comfortable do you feel with yourself? How grateful are you for the person you have become?
We will be asking these and similar questions to bring more clarity to our lives, to be grateful for what works and appreciate what no longer serves us. It’s easy to be grateful when life goes on smoothly, and we feel complete, but how to be grateful when we face overwhelming challenges, and life breaks into small pieces?
In our western culture, we tend to think that what is broken or damaged is useless, and when our body or mind break we label it as a setback. We are not being taught how to mend the damaged pieces, how to put the tiny fragments together and create something that is much more than the sum of its parts.
In Japan, there is a grace and beauty in the art of mending. In the context of the tea ceremony, there is no judgement around what’s useful and what’s useless in the way we are accustomed to seeing it. In fact, a broken cup would be valued and appreciated simply because of the graceful way it was repaired according to the traditional art of kintsukuroi meaning “to patch with gold."
Often we try to repair what’s broken and make it “good enough” or perhaps even as good as new. The Japanese masters understand that by mending the broken cup with gold, they can create an alternative to “good enough.” They can create something that actually adds value because after the mending process the cup changes its form into something utterly unique, purely itself. In result of this transformation broken becomes elegant and useless becomes priceless.
What would it be like to live your life as a work of art? A work of art that is in progress, an unfolding masterpiece you can shape into the ideal Unique You.
You don’t need gold to fill in your cracks. All you need is self-awareness, patience and skills.
What one crack can you fill in today?
The Unique Art of Mending Lives

If you want to become whole let yourself become broken
Think about one thing you are grateful for right now
Get ready for your weekly one-to-one session. Your Grace School guide will contact you within the next few days to book your first appointment.
1. Please make sure that you choose a convenient time and a quiet place for your Skype conversations.
2. Let the members of your household know when you need time for yourself, so you are not being interrupted.
3. Check your wifi connection and show up on time.
4. If you are unable to attend, you can still reschedule within the next few days before the Monday of the following week, if your guide has a free time slot.
5. Your one-to-one sessions are an integral part of the Grace School curriculum. It is, therefore, fundamental that each session is in synchrony with the weekly Grace School modules.
We encourage you to create an account with the HealthVault - a free to use Microsoft platform that will help helps you store, use and share your health information securely. It will give you the opportunity to monitor your results like blood pressure, glucose or cholesterol levels, send scans and medical files securely and connect with other devices and fitness trackers.
The HealthVault is one of the best and most commonly used platforms in hospitals and healthcare institutions around the world. We use it at the Grace School to help you share your medical records in a secure and easy way. You can create your account here.
All files attached below have been created to support and enhance your positive health experience. These are available for download for the next 7 days. Please set up your account with HealthVault (No1) to keep your health documentation and share relevant files with us. Answer the questions in the Self-Assessment Form (No2) and use the Self-reflection Worksheet (No3) at the end of the week to reflect on your experiences and challenges.
Your WEEK 1 Downloads:
1. HealthVault (set up your account; approx time 5 minutes)
2. Self-Assessment Form - the questions are related to your health and wellbeing (approx. time 10-15 minutes)
3. Self-Reflection Worksheet - at the end of the week reflect on your experiences and challenges (approx time 10-20 minutes)
4. Infographics


If you have any questions, comments or technical problems please write: contact@thesilverlinedheart.org and we will be happy to help.
We strive to respond within 24 business hours Monday-Friday 9am-5pm GMT. No personal information will be released or exposed.
If you want to interact with others, leave a comment, follow us on social media and join the Grace School Closed Group on Facebook.